Wednesday 7 March 2012

50 Most Hated Movies Ever Made...??

Total Film Magazine recently posted their "50 Most Hated Movies Ever Made", you can read their feature here.
I have a couple of issues with this list...

Firstly, at 43 we have Resident Evil (2002).
Now don't get me wrong, I can completely understand why this is hated. The game franchise is well loved by loyal, avid gamers and since it's conception it's spawned a number of hideous sequels (Apocalypse, Extinction, Regeneration, Afterlife and Retribution out later this year). 
Saying that, this average horror has some pretty gruesome death scenes and some decent performances, especially from Michelle Rodriguez and the creepy Red Queen...children in horror movies get me every time.

Lastly, at number 3 we have Forrest Gump (1994).
Total Film's reason for hating it is as follows:

"The chocolate-box sentiment, hiding a reactionary vision of American society in which protest is punished and stupidity reigns.  Oh, and beating Pulp Fiction and Shawshank to the Oscars didn't help."

I'm sorry, but that's not a good enough reason for me. Winning an Oscar is a great accolade yes, but there are plenty of movies and actors who have won Oscars who are then forgotten. Pulp Fiction and Shawshank have massive cult followings and are usually featured in Top movie lists all over the globe. Hanks, Fields and Sinise give extra-ordinary performances and I don't think this film deserves to be on this list at all.

Note to the industry, the majority of films on this list are either terrible remakes, sequels or comic book adaptations and most of them were made in the 2000's and were undoubtedly made on budgets of millions. Where's the art? What a waste. 


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