Saturday 10 March 2012

Hunger Games vs Battle Royale

Right, before I start I need to say that I have not read The Hunger Games or seen the film. I will I'm sure read the books and see the film eventually, but at this moment in time I'm too riled to even contemplate doing so.

So, on hearing about The Hunger Games movie being released, I immediately thought...mmm, this looks quite interesting. I then watched the trailer and and immediately rip-off of Battle Royale!!

It's clear that HG (Hunger Games) are children's books, just like how the Harry Potter books were for children. Yep, I said it. If you've read BR (Battle Royale), you know this is not for kids, and the film isn't either.

Looking at the similarities and differences  it's hard to believe that Suzanne Collins, author of HG, hadn't heard of BR or know of it's existence.

From an interview with New York Times:
When I asked Collins if she had drawn from “Battle Royale,” she was unperturbed. “I had never heard of that book or that author until my book was turned in. At that point, it was mentioned to me, and I asked my editor if I should read it. He said: ‘No, I don’t want that world in your head. Just continue with what you’re doing.’ ” She has yet to read the book or to see the movie.

Um, I don't believe that for a second. If you're writing a novel, screenplay, anything and your editor says to you, 'this reminds me of so and so story', you would want to investigate to make sure you're not plagiarizing someone's work knowingly or not.

But that's just my opinion...




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