Monday 12 March 2012

Tarantino's Top 20 movies since 1992. How many have YOU seen?

When I was writing my previous Hunger Games post, I went onto YouTube to find my favourite scene from Battle Royale so I could post it.
Sadly, the clip I wanted isn't on YouTube. 
(In case you're interested, it's the bit Kitano shows the BR Act video to the kids...KONNICHIWA!! He's just...hilarious...?!!)

So anyway, after typing Battle Royale an array of different ways, I found this video of Tarantino and his Top 20 movies since 1992 (when he became a director => see here!

Watching the video, I knew he was going to have some martial arts and Thai gore stuff in there, but I was surprised by a few of the films on his list.

I was quite shocked when I heard Friday, not because I think it's a terrible movie, quite the opposite. I LOVE FRIDAY! Great soundtrack, great Ice Cube and Chris Tucker and soooo 90's! 
Was also shocked to hear Speed, again not because I think it's a bad movie, just not the kind of thing I would think tickles Tarantino.

I've seen eleven of the twenty movies he's listed, and my fav's from the ones I've watched are, Battle Royale (obviously...), Boogie Nights, Fight Club, Friday and Shaun of the Dead. The ones I haven't seen I will have to add to my never-ending movies I now have to watch list (exhale...).
Listen out for the part of the video where Tarantino refers to M.Night Shyamalan as, "M.Night Shamalamading dong".

Oh dear...

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